A Cell Phenomenon (Pulled out PPT)

Ever wondered why your fingers/toes get all wrinkled after a relaxing bath, or a long dip in the swimming pool? Well today we are here to find out why!

Our skin is protected by a layer of special oil known as the sebum. This oil is secreted from your skin to moisten and lubricate it for protection. However, when you immerse yourself in the water, the sebum slowly gets washed away, and your skin is exposed to the water.
The idea is really simple; water diffuses into the skin via the sweat ducts and pores, affecting the membranes of the cells, making them lysed. As this occurs, this process called “neuronal firing” is increased, causing fluids and the tension inside the skin to decrease, creating the “prune” effect.
Your fingers/toes tend to get wrinkled faster if soaked in freshwater than in seawater. This is because of osmosis; where the sea water is concentrated with salt, making it a hypertonic solution, therefore the seawater would take a longer time entering your body than the freshwater.

Why we get wrinkled fingers
Wrinkled Skin
Skin after bathing