The Human Respiratory System

Today lets talk about the respiratory system! Now it is a very important mechanism we have, as it allows us to breathe to carry out our life processes. It consists of the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm, and lungs. At the nose, air enters through the two nostrils.The inside of the nasal passage is lined with moist mucus, and dust and foreign particles which are breathed in are trapped by the hairs in the nostrils and by the mucus on the membrane. Additionally, air is moistened and warmed before it enters our lungs, to make sure we don't hurt our lungs. Then it goes on to the pharynx, and on in the trachea and bronchi. Each lower end of a trachea divides into two bronchi. Each bronchus connects to one lung. This division goes on until it ends in a a cluster of air sacs known as alveoli. Many alveolis are present in the lungs, and they have very large surface area for gaseous exchange. Alveolis also have a singular and thick cell wall, with a thin film of moisture covering the surface, allowing more oxygen to dissolve in it. Now I guess what I just said was quite complicated, so here is a diagram for you guys to digest it better.

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