Digestive System

 Hello people! Today, lets take a tour deep down into our digestive system! Let us follow a broccoli on a one way trip to the toilet.

We begin in the mouth, where we can see two rows of teeth, a tongue, and lots of this sticky and slippery stuff known as saliva. Now, we can see the broccoli getting chewed on by the teeth into smaller chunks, and the saliva, which contains amylase, which helps to break down the food and soften it so as to make it easier to swallow.

Now, we move on to the esophagus. Nothing special here. The esophagus is lined with muscle, so as move food down efficiently. Its walls are lined with saliva and mucus, so as to allow it to have a slippery surface so that food would not get stuck. The broccoli is observed to slide down easily.

Then, we have the stomach. Now the stomach is a muscle, and it churns every now and then to help digest food. Additionally, proteases and hydrochloric acid is added to turn the broccoli, into a pile of foul smelling, weird colored, soupy substance.

In the small intestine , three types of substances are digested. Proteins and peptides, Lipids, and Carbohydrates. They get broken down in amino acids, fatty acids and glycerols, and simple sugars respectively. Now the digested food is able to diffuse through the walls of the digestive system. We observe the broccoli to be one watery blob now.

Finally, we have the large intestine, where water is drawn from the undigested food into the body. Food is then passed out as brown masses out of the anus.

There we have it! A quick "run" through the digestive system!

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